[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]ACT Test Tutor Los Altos CA

Every university has different entrance requirements. On top of these requirements some university have requirements to enter specific degree programs. These degree programs are often highly competitive and offer a prestigious degree in the field. While it is impossible to list every entrance requirement, at every university, for each degree, here are a few examples of competitive degrees available and a few resources for finding the entry requirements for specific programs.

Combined Bachelors//M.D Programs

If you are certain you want to study medicine, combo med programs can eliminate the need to apply to and be accepted into medical school. These programs can significantly speed along the process of becoming a doctor. A combo med program admits students to both an undergraduate degree and a medical degree program. These programs are extremely competitive and admissions requirements are typically much more challenging that admissions into other programs at the same college. College Confidential informs that students accepted into these programs typically have an SAT score of around 1500, near perfect GPAs, and evidence, such as volunteering or advanced courses, that show an above and beyond interest in the medical field.

A Computer Science Degree

A computer science degree is a highly sought after degree program with many career opportunities. A computer science degree from MIT is very prestigious and will open up a variety of job opportunities. The average SAT score accepted to MIT is 1500 and the average ACT is 34 according to College Factual.

A Liberal Arts Degree

US News ranked Williams College as the top institution for a liberal arts degree. If you want to pursue a liberal arts degree at Williams College, you will want to have an ACT score of 34 or higher, be in the top of your graduating class and have strong recommendations.

Admissions Requirements

Very few programs offer specific requirements for entry, however colleges with excellent degree programs in your field of study will have very competitive admissions. It is a good idea to find the best schools for the fields of study that interest you and discover their specific admissions requirements. QS Top Universities offers international rankings of universities based on subject. US News also offers a wide variety of college rankings, including specific degree programs. Use these tools to find the best institutions for you and aim to achieve the necessary ACT or SAT scores to be admitted into the college of your choice.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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