
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Los Gatos SAT Test Prep ServicesSuccessful students don’t necessarily study all of the time, but they do know how to be smart about their study time. Make the most of your study time by using these five habits of successful students.

  • Don’t Procrastinate

Cramming for tests prevents you from remembering material over time. Every time you cram and forget material, you will have to relearn it. Split your study sessions into shorter sessions over longer lengths of time before the exam. You will remember the material and not have to relearn subjects for every exam.

  • Start With the Hardest Subjects First

Starting with the hardest material first will help you have the brainpower you need to accomplish your most challenging tasks and learn the toughest material. According to Education Corner, starting with the hardest tasks first will help you perform better academically. It will also prevent you from procrastinating. Once you have the difficult tasks completed, the easier subjects can be finished up quickly and you won’t be tempted to put them off until later.

  • Plan and Organize

It is so important to keep track of when your assignments are due, dates of important exams and other big events that might impact your ability to study and complete assignments When you are organized, you can plan your study sessions so that you can get things done without being rushed. You will avoid turning in assignments late and forgetting to study for important exams.

  • Review Nightly

Studies show that reviewing your notes a few hours after you learn something new will help you remember much more of the new material. If you review your notes every evening, you will spend less time studying before an exam.

  • Remove Distractions

Distracted studying takes longer and the material is not likely to stick with you. If you want your study sessions to be productive, turn off your phone, turn off all of your notifications, and turn off the tv. Finish your studying faster and then you will have time to do the things you enjoy.

These five tips will help you become more successful. Don’t just study, study well so that you learn and perform well on your coursework. Studying well will also allow you to have time to do the things you love.

Cupertino ACT SAT test prep tutoring

Students generally dread test prep classes. They’re boring, difficult and pointless, or so most kids think. But they’re also necessary… Recognizing this, Mr. Test Prep has created a new approach to SAT/ACT tutoring that gets the job done without all the pain and frustration of traditional programs. Rather than depleting the finite well of motivation your student will need to get you through senior year, come to Mr. Test Prep for the most painless—dare I say fun?—SAT Prep in the Cupertino area. Specializing in the psychology of test taking, as well as the academic practices required to succeed, the lessons learned at our Cupertino SAT Prep center will empower your student both on Test Day and in their future academic endeavors.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]